Frequently Asked Questions

Who is ThinkHumanTV for?


ThinkHumanTV is an adaptive system that can work with virtually any age group or demographic. The experience was also designed for both individual and group use. Group use of the platform, such as by an educator in class, is appropriate for any age starting from 4 (Pre-K) and up. Individual use is intended for learners aged 13 and above (8th grade).

ThinkHumanTV provides differentiated curricula for Pre-K to 2nd grade, 3rd to 5th grade, 6th to 8th grade, 9th to 12th grade, as well as for college students and educators.

What are the benefits of ThinkHumanTV?


ThinkHumanTV enables users to increase their emotion knowledge and improve skills like perspective-taking/empathy and emotion management. These skills have been shown to be protective factors against anxiety and depression, and improvements in these areas are associated with better relationships and decision-making, greater academic and professional success, and better psychological and physical health over the lifespan.

Learn more about the methodology behind the training.

Why does ThinkHumanTV rely on popular media for emotional skill development?


Research has shown that for emotional skills training to be effective, it should be grounded in concrete, authentic examples of human emotions and behavior. High quality media content such as popular TV and film provides the perfect vehicle for such training due to its emotional impact and established viewer appeal. It is a way to meet learners where they are.

Moreover, video content represents a closer perceptual approximation of reality than other media such as text. It enables reflecting on people’s emotional states in real time, as expressed by their faces, posture and tone of voice. This more realistic kind of practice facilitates skill transfer to everyday life and across situations.

Do I need a streaming service subscription to use ThinkHumanTV?


Because ThinkHumanTV works in conjunction with streaming sites like Disney+ and Netflix, one does need an account with one of the supported services to use the platform. In order to ensure equity of access, ThinkHumanTV has recently launched on Peacock, which offers a free subscription tier.

ThinkHumanTV can also provide access to streaming sites to educators who wish to use the platform in the classroom.  Get in touch with us to learn more, or schedule a demo.

Which streaming services does ThinkHumanTV support?


Currently, ThinkHumanTV supports Netflix, Disney+ and Peacock TV, which together account for over 80% of US households. Support for additional streaming services is coming soon.

How can I use ThinkHumanTV in my classroom?


ThinkHumanTV is designed for flexible use in educational settings. Educators can use the platform in class with a SmartBoard or big screen, they can have students engage with it individually on their computers, or they can assign it as homework.

Educators have access to a ThinkHumanTV practitioner guide with suggested discussion prompts and activities, as well as aggregate student analytics data.  

ThinkHumanTV also offers free features designed for educators, such as media search and the ability to create custom prompts in any media title on supported streaming platforms.

Learn more about how to get started with ThinkHumanTV in the classroom. You can also schedule a demo or get in touch with us.

What content does ThinkHumanTV support?


ThinkHumanTV currently supports over 75 titles across Netflix, Disney+, and Peacock including movies and shows like 'Inside Out', 'Star Wars, The Force Awakens',  'Friday Night Lights,' and 'The Queen's Gambit.' You can see the full list of supported titles here.

Our library is constantly expanding. If you have a suggestion for a title we should add, let us know!

ThinkHumanTV also enables viewers to mark moments and create custom prompts in ANY title on the streaming services it supports. If you are an educator and wish to use ThinkHumanTV with a title we don't yet have, this feature would allow you to do so.  See how it works.

Does ThinkHumanTV work on an iPad or TV?


At the moment, the ThinkHumanTV training program that integrates with streaming sites works on computers within a Chrome browser.  You can use screen sharing, such as Apple's AirPlay, to display ThinkHumanTV training on a TV or SmartBoard. We are working on making ThinkHumanTV available on mobile devices.

Is ThinkHumanTV suitable for individuals on the spectrum?


The training methodology used by ThinkHumanTV is suitable for both neurotypical individuals and those on the autism spectrum. So while ThinkHumanTV has not yet conducted research studies with users who may be on the spectrum, many such users would be expected to benefit from the training.

Help! I'm a ThinkHumanTV user and I need support.


Please visit our Help Center. You'll find support for getting started, troubleshooting common issues, resources for educators, and more.

Still have questions? Email us at